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PostgreSQL `num_nulls` and `num_nonnulls`

PostgreSQL num_nulls and num_nonnulls

July 10, 2020 ( last updated : July 10, 2020 )
postgres rails ruby active-record

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PostgreSQL offers a few comparison functions that are very useful if your table has columns that require exactly one entry. I ran into a situation recently that utilized the num_nonnulls function combined with a DB constraint to ensure that only one of a group of tables had data.


The table I was designing looked something like this:

Column name Data type Notes
bool_response boolean Must be null if there is a value in any other *_response columns
int_response integer Must be null if there is a value in any other *_response columns
text_response text Must be null if there is a value in any other *_response columns

We want each row in this table to only have ONE non-null value in any *_response column, and I wanted to implement a DB constraint on top of the application-level validation to catch any race conditions (such as multiple entries being saved to the DB at the same time).


Luckily I am using Postgres as our database which provides a couple comparison functions that count the number of nulls in a set of columns: num_nonnulls and num_nulls.

This table from the documentation linked above explains the two functions:

Function Description Example Example Result
num_nonnulls(VARIADIC “any”) returns the number of non-null arguments num_nonnulls(1, NULL, 2) 2
num_nulls(VARIADIC “any”) returns the number of null arguments num_nulls(1, NULL, 2) 1

I decided to use the first function (num_nonnulls), adding a constraint that checks those columns and ensure there is only a single non-null value:

ALTER TABLE my_example_table
    ADD CONSTRAINT only_one_non_null_response
    CHECK (num_nonnulls(bool_response, int_response, text_response) = 1);

Finally I paired this with an app-level validation (this project is using rails + ActiveRecord):

class MyResponseClass < ActiveRecord::Base
    validate :only_one_response
    # ...
    private def only_one_response
        non_null_responses=[bool_response, int_response, text_response].compact if non_null_responses.count !=1
        errors.add(:base, "Must only have a single response" )